A history of electromagnetism and colors
Energy in motion that heats us and enlightens us.
We would be nothing without light.
But what is it made of?
How is it connected to colors?
What information does it contain?
Come and enjoy this astronomical adventure!
For young audiences from 7 to 12 years old,
and beyond for all older ones who still dream of infinite spaces.

GranPa & Zoe - Mission : Light
Suitable for
7-12 years old
Older will learn too
28 min
3D Emotion / Mediastro Promotion
What is light - Sun - Wavelength - Additive / subtractive color - Hubble - Spaceship - Save the world
Catalan, Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish
Contact us

What if
the light of the Sun was disappearing
GranPa and his young accomplice Zoe lead a peaceful life in their ranch, up until the day when their tranquil existence is disturbed by a strange event: the light of the Sun grows dimmer, as if it is disappearing. No time to waste, our two heroes rush off on a race against time to save the sunlight.

Let’s meet the characters

As a retired scientist, GranPa spends his time fishing, guzzling eucalyptus sticks, and discussing the mysteries of the universe for hours on end. Yes, he is passionately interested in astronomy – so what could be better for talking about light?

This little 10 year old dingo regularly comes visiting GranPa's ranch. If the two of them hang out so much together, it’s because they both share the same love of science.

This is Bogbog. He’s a teenage alien who hasn’t found anything better to do than attack our planet. He’s a long-time enemy of GranPa, and we can imagine them fighting, their historic struggles, their endless thirst for vengeance, a long list of upset plans.
all you need to know about GranPa & Zoe's big adventure

Download our presentation booklet
and find out every information about the show. technical specifications sheet, characters presentation, scenery making, scientific approach, etc.
Commercial documentationPDF 2.87 Mo

Also Download our research log
Put six notions about light into practice through exercices. Ideal for planetarium hosts and the audience to extend their explorations.
Research logPDF 3.97 Mo

Science for all
Waves, colors, heat, velocity. Light covers many scientific basic knowledges. As a scientific approval we have worked with Stéphanie Escoffier, Director of Research with the CNRS at the Marseilles Centre of Particule Physics, and member of the SDSS project.

thanks to ESA's Gaia
A 3D Emotion / Mediastro Promotion co-production
3D Emotion (director / co-producer)
Created in September 2001 by Vincent Arrouy and Stéphane Bertrand, the 3D emotion studio began creating shows for planetariums in 2005 with The Race to Earth. Since that date six other films have been made, including Polaris and Lucia, both international successes.With GranPa & Zoe, the studio has signed a creation for which it is both director and co-producer.
Mediastro Promotion (co-producer)
Médiastro Promotion is an association which uses shows to help a broad audience discover scientific knowledge in astronomy. With Polaris and Lucia, and now GranPa & Zoe, Médiastro Promotion aims to provide planetariums with high quality full dome shows, where science is backed up by action – for the greater pleasure of audiences of every age.